Clean Coding: Step Three
Hello, everyone, from the third stage of their clean coding project.
At this point, I’d want to speak with you about Test Driven Development. Despite the fact that it does not fall under the category of clean code, I believe it provides a sound method for developing proper and clean code. Let’s have a look together.
How does the process go from the start of a software project to the day it is delivered? In all of the places I’ve worked so far, the coding phase starts within a week of the projects arriving, and we were writing tests without writing any tests or after finishing all of the development steps in the processes.
How is your software development cycle progressing?
If there is a different way of working, software is produced, and then certain tests are written to the program if time and management and your organization let it. The correctness of the written code is verified by running the tests. If anything isn’t right, it’s fixed, and the tests are repeated. This process is repeated until all of the test cases pass. Due to time and expense constraints, some more corporate businesses may go through this process. It’s preferable to write a poor exam than none at all.
All tests are written before any coding for the application in Test Driven Development. When you write the tests, if you do it right, they will not work beyond failing. The codes that will pass these tests, that is, that will operate successfully, are written in the following stage. This is a procedure that, of course, encounters errors and is rebuilt to correct them. It’s fixed until it passes the test, and then we write the code that accomplishes the task we want. On the basis of this technique, all project possibilities are exposed prior to the start of the project, and tests that satisfy these scenarios are developed; this is the heart of the task. It will continue to improve and change the code until it passes all of the tests. Test-Driven Development is the name given to this lifecycle (TDD). Test First Development and Test Driven Design are other terms for the same thing. You haven’t developed the correct tests if you still need to write for all of the test cases you wrote at the start of the project.
TDD has a life cycle that looks like this.
Create your tests > Make sure your code passes the test > Refactor
This cycle will repeat till the project is completed.
TDD approach appears to be a straightforward idea on the surface, however it is not actively promoted. One reason for this might be because software development teams lack necessary testing skills, but the most crucial one is that firms believe the production process will slow down and the project’s cost would rise. There is, however, an opposing graph. Because TDD is used to sketch the framework of the work to be done, no extra effort is expended in the development process, and development speed is increased. Furthermore, regular testing improves the quality of code created.
Consider an alternative to TDD in software development. Before migrating to production, you should test all of the code and repair any errors that you find. If no tests are written, the company’s testers will test the entire run and give it a pass. At this point, it is not considered how far a mistake can set the procedures back.
TDD allows you to test the complete project from beginning to end in seconds.
Writing tests may appear to be a waste of effort at first, but it ultimately aids in the development of quicker software.
There are three phases in the Test Driven Development process.
Red Cycle
This phase spans the time from when you initially developed the test and when it produces a successful result. TDD’s most essential aspect is that it tries to build tests in such a manner that your code fails. As a result, it’s critical to examine all potential flaws in your project and test them in code. Your test will constantly fail until you write the right code that will pass it the first time you write it.
Green Cycle
This stage shows the tests that passed the test you wrote, that is, the tests that were successful. It shows that you wrote the right code, as evidenced by the fact that it passed the written test.
At this point, we’re attempting to obtain the right code. We wrote the test and received satisfactory results; now it’s time to consider the code quality. Successful code testing does not imply that the code is clean or performs properly. As a result, functional codes must be edited and improved as part of the process.
The clean code articles have come to an end. I’m committed to work on other topics and keep track of them as I go, so I’ll see you soon.