Which Java Development Tool — Maven or Gradle — Is Best For You?

Burak Acar
8 min readJul 14, 2022


Gradle and Maven have many advantages and disadvantages but there are many differences from each other. At Softtech, we are through a software transformation process, and while we had previously used Maven, workers have been encouraged to do the conversion with Gradle. Given the cost of discarding what workers know and starting from scratch, I wanted to confront this decision and study what this step can provide us and what we might lose. Now, let’s look at my study findings and factors to consider while deciding between Gradle and Maven.

Let’s look at both Gradle and Maven before comparing them.

What exactly is this Gradle?

Gradle is a build automation tool noted for its versatility in software development. A build automation tool is used to automate application development. Compiling, linking, and packaging the code are all part of the build process. With the assistance of build automation tools, the process becomes more uniform.

It is well-known for its ability to automate languages such as Java, Scala, Android, C/C++, and Groovy. The tool fully supports Domain-Specific Languages based on XML. Gradle facilitates the development, testing, and deployment of software across several platforms.
Before we go any further, let’s look at some of the reasons why Gradle is utilized.

Why Should You Use Gradle?

It is well renowned for being very adaptable to diverse projects involving multiple technologies. Gradle may be used in a variety of projects, including Java, Android, and Groovy.

Because various individuals prefer to work on different IDEs, the tools support a wide range of IDEs, delivering a better user experience. Gradle tasks, command line completion, and so forth. It provides a command line interface with capabilities for people who prefer to operate in the terminal.

How Does Gradle Build Work?

Gradle builds are used to specify the scope of a project and its tasks. There is at least one Gradle build file in the project’s root folder. A task describes the work that a Gradle build must do, such as compiling the source code of a program. A single build file can be used to perform numerous jobs at the same time. These jobs can be created and extended dynamically at runtime.

Gradle’s Advantages

Outstanding performance
Gradle completes the operation swiftly, taking into account the results of earlier runs. Jobs with altered entries are just performing jobs. This reduces the number of superfluous chores and increases performance.

Software for Creating Multiple Projects
Gradle offers excellent support for multi-project builds. These projects may include a root project as well as any number of subprojects.
Gradle allows partial builds, in which the tool determines if a project on which our project depends has to be rebuilt. Gradle will rebuild the project if it has to be rebuilt before constructing additional projects.

Structures that grow incrementally
Gradle supports an incremental build that specifies that it only does essential activities. Gradle first checks if any source code has been executed previously before running it. If there are any modifications to the code, it will be executed later; if there are no changes, it will be skipped.

Make a Scan
Build scans are associated with delivering information about the build run used to identify any build faults. They address any issues with the build’s performance, and these scans are very useful for fixing build-related issues.

Knowledge of Java
Gradle requires a JVM to execute, thus the system must have the Java Development Kit installed (JDK). The tool is highly acquainted with Java capabilities, and employees can create plugins and custom chats using regular Java APIs. Gradle may thus be executed on a variety of systems.

So, what exactly is a Maven?

Maven was built to streamline the project development procedures at the Jakarta Tribune. Because the majority of the projects had somewhat different ANT files, Apache created Maven to co-build numerous projects, including publishing project metadata, promoting team communication, distributing projects, and exchanging JARS amongst various projects.

Maven’s mission
Developing a thorough, maintainable, reusable, and easy project model.
Providing a collection of tools and plugins for interacting with the declarative model.

Maven’s characteristics
Maven has a plethora of interesting and useful features, which contribute to its popularity.
It has a massive, ever-expanding user library.
It allows you to simply build up projects utilizing best practices.
It offers an automated update mechanism, making dependency management simple.
It is backwards compatible with earlier versions.
Offers robust error and integrity reporting.
It enables automatic upgrades.
Consistent use across all projects.
It is readily extendable and allows you to develop plug-ins in scripting languages or Java.

Project Object Model (POM)
Maven is extremely valuable because of its Project Object Model (POM), an XML file that includes all of the project’s metadata and setup parameters. The project description, versioning information, and configuration management are all included in the POM.
The XML file may be found in the project’s home directory. When you run a task, Maven looks in the current directory for the POM.

Why do we require Maven?
Maven is mostly used for Java-based projects and aids with the download of dependencies such as libraries or JAR files. Because separate packages may have various versions, the tool assists in obtaining the necessary JAR files for each project.
After Maven, getting dependencies no longer necessitates visiting the official websites of each packages. You may discover libraries in several languages at mvnrepository. The tool may also be utilized in props, server apps, and other programs that are required for execution. It also aids in the development of the proper project structure.

Maven and Gradle: Similarities

Maven and Gradle are both free and open source projects licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Both are very customisable and may be used with a variety of Java IDEs, including Eclipse.
— Structures are described using the GAV format in both cases.
— Plugins extend the functionality of projects by adding tasks and dependent settings. Even though the new functions differ depending on the demands, both are as user-friendly as feasible.
— Both are quite capable at resolving dependencies in repositories.

Differences Between Maven and Gradle

The following are some of the key differences between Maven and Gradle:

Performance: Gradle outperforms Maven in all tests. Gradle manages to keep ahead of every project structure, even though this pace differs from project to project. Let’s try to summarize the elements causing this speed discrepancy using the three titles below.

1- Incremental — Gradle saves excessive strain by monitoring the ins and outs of tasks, performing just what is required, and processing files that change as much as feasible. In fact, we may argue that it is optimizing your project while you are unaware. Maven repeats your project fully every time, but Gradle only reruns what you modified. This results in a significant speed disparity between them. Maven has a slower build time since it does not use build-cache; this implies that it does not create local temporary files during software building and so consumes a lot of time.

2-Build Cache — Reuses the build outputs of any other Gradle build with the same inputs, including those from other machines. So people can simply utilize the compiled Gradle file several times.

3- Gradle Daemon — A long-lived process that keeps build information “hot” in memory.

For practically every case in this Gradle vs. comparison, these and other performance improvements make Gradle at least twice as quick (100x quicker for big builds utilizing the build cache).
If you wish to go deeper into the performance differences, you may view the findings on gradle’s own website.

Scripting language: Gradle’s build script is by definition more versatile and powerful than Maven’s. Gradle is based on a programming language (Groovy), whereas Maven is based on a markup language (XML). The downside here is that because Gradle’s build script is built on a programming language, it is prone to faults.

Flexibility and Customization: Gradle’s Groovy-based build script is more flexible and customizable than Maven’s XML. Gradle is also more capable of customizing build artifacts and project structure. While Maven is similarly extremely flexible, its XML-based setup necessitates a few more steps to tailor your build.
While Gradle allows you to use.aar outputs that include Java, pictures, fonts, and xml, Maven projects can only use.jar outputs that may contain Java. As a result, Gradle gains an additional edge on the Android side.

Plugins: Compared to Gradle, Maven has a longer history. As a result, Maven plugins are far more prevalent and are supported more by larger suppliers than Gradle plugins. However, there is a rapid development on the Gradle side due to Google continuing with Gradle for Android and for performance reasons.

Dependency management: To overcome dependency issues, the two build tools employ various strategies. Maven adheres to a declarative order, while Gradle references a dependency tree.

Which Java development tool — Maven or Gradle — is best for you?

Taking Project Size Into Account: Gradle will operate more quickly and efficiently than Maven if you are working on large projects. Gradle is quicker if you’re mostly working on smaller projects, but the speed difference between Maven and Gradle is little, so you may choose whichever one you feel more at ease creating for.

Customization: Gradle’s Groovy-based build script is easily customizable if your project requires a lot of bells and whistles. Maven may fulfill your needs if you don’t mind the extra steps needed in adding functionality to the XML-based script.

Curve For Learning: Gradle is notorious for having a high learning curve, even for seasoned software developers. It has a very broad and extensive basis. If you know that Gradle will be the correct decision for you in the long term, this learning curve is a valuable investment of time and work, but once you understand it, it may pay you back for the effort you put into it. However, if Maven can satisfy your needs effectively, learning Gradle may be a needless uphill fight.

Basically, to summarize briefly:

Maven is best suited for small projects.
It should be used instead of Configuration when dependency management, modularization, consistency, a large number of plugins, and contracts are needed.

Gradle is best suited for big projects.
We should utilize it when flexibility, simplicity of usage, speed, and incremental builds are vital.

Sources I’ve been reading and working on while writing this article:

1- Gradle vs Maven Comparison

2-Maven vs Gradle | by The Educative Team

3-Gradle vs Maven | by simplilearn

4- Maven

